石油科技论坛 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (增刊): 4-7.DOI: 10.3969/j. issn.1002-302x.2017.z1.002

• 成果推介 • 上一篇    下一篇

GeoEast V3. 0 地震数据处理解释一体化软件系统

詹 毅 赵 波 刘建红 李合群   

  1. 中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-04-13
  • 基金资助:
    “十二五” 国家科技重大专项“地球物理油气勘探软件系统” (编号: 2011ZX05019-003); 中国石油天然气集 团公司重大科技专项“物探核心软件集成与升级” (编号: 2012E-31)。

GeoEast V3. 0-Integrated Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation Software System

Zhan Yi, Zhao Bo, Liu Jianhong, Li Hequn   

  1. Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting, CNPC, Zhuozhou 072750, China
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-04-13
  • Supported by:

摘要: 为了应对我国陆上勘探对象从构造油气藏向隐蔽油气藏转移、地表地下条件从简单向复杂转移的变化, 解决高陡构造成像难、分辨率尚不能满足薄储层预测需求和复杂小断块成像精度不高等难题, 中国石油集团东方地球 物理勘探有限责任公司在GeoEast 常规处理解释一体化软件的基础上, 针对高密度宽方位地震资料处理解释需求, 研发 和集成了先进适用的地震数据处理解释技术, 形成了叠前偏移成像技术、低信噪比处理技术、提高分辨率处理技术、 多波处理技术、现代体属性分析技术、地质异常体雕刻技术、储层描述技术和流体检测技术8 个处理解释技术系列, 研发的GeoEast V3. 0 版本软件功能和性能得到大幅度提升, 可满足陆上、海上、多波、VSP 等地震数据处理和解释需 求。


关键词: 叠前深度偏移, 高分辨率, 叠前去噪, 构造解释, 储层预测, 流体检测

Abstract: Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting (BGP) has committed its efforts to the challenges for China’s hydrocarbon exploration, such as the onshore exploration targets changing from structural reservoirs to subtle reservoirs and the survey areas shifting from simple near and subsurface structures to complex ones. The bottlenecks also include difficulties for imaging steeply dipping reflectors and highly-faulted small blocks. Based on conventional processing and interpretation technology of GeoEast and focusing on high-density and wide-azimuth seismic data, BGP has developed and integrated eight categories of the advanced and applicable seismic data processing and interpretation technology-pre -stack migration imaging, low SNR processing, resolution enhancement, MC data processing, modern attribute analysis, geo - body rendering, reservoir description and fluid detection. With the GeoEast V3. 0 version developed, BGP has significantly improved functions and performance of the software and entirely met the demand for processing and interpretation of onshore, offshore, MC and VSP data.
